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        The Joy of the Season


Don't dwell on the glitter and glow of the lights

Or of presents soon under the tree;

But go back in time to a cold winter night,

While shepherds were tending their sheep.


What were they thinking? I ne'er could say

But I wish I had been there to see;

Their faces as angels in white array,

Brought news of glad tidings and peace.


They heard of the babe that was born that night

And laid in a manger small;

A babe that to all would be more than light,

For He would raise men from their fall.


Don't dwell on the cross as tho He were still there

But rather the empty tomb;

Kneel at the cross until you are where,

You have entered in God's throne room.


For there, intercession is made for you

Where Jesus, the Son of God dwells;

Where you can be known as God's chosen few,

Hear songs of the angels swell.


The song tells that Jesus is coming soon

And lamps must be trimmed and bright;

It could be tonight, or tomorrow at noon,

For Jesus the lamb is the light.


                                        David L. Whittaker