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DL Whittaker, Washington


First of all, I want to give praise and honor to God for all He has done, and where He has brought me over the years.  I have been a believer for many years. Not without many struggles in all areas of life, but I have never lost faith to believe that God is all powerful.  We sang last weekend, YOU MUST BELIEVE:  If you believe, you shall receive.  There's not a trouble or care, the good Lord can't relieve.  He is just the same today, all you've got to do is just trust and pray, and believe, you must believe.


It is my utmost desire, that in this lifetime, people's lives will be changed, and that those I come in contact with will see Christ in me, for it's Christ in Me, the Hope Of Glory. (Col 1:27)  I continuously ask forgiveness when I fall short, and that I can come fully to the place where humanness can and will take a back seat.


Now: All About Jesus


All of the theme titles in this month’s edition of Strombolis can be talked about in one article. It is asked,

Ø  "Who is this Jesus?"  

Ø  Was He just a baby?  

Ø  The Jesus of Today,

Ø  Do You Know My Jesus?   

Ø  The Life of Christ,  

Ø  Just a Carpenter's son,

Ø  He's real; I talked to Him this morning.


Who is He?  Was He just a baby? He was not like any man you have ever met in your whole life.  He was only a man in human form for thirty three years, and while He was human, experienced human emotion and temptation, He, because He was God's Son, did not succumb to the things we give in to. That, my friends, is what made Him unique.  He began as a baby, just like you and me, but babies grow up. He knew before He was born, what His life and Mission here on earth would be, but people had to see Him, just the same as you and I see new babies.  The difference, I believe however, is that when He was laying in that manger, He wasn't fussing like new babies often are. He had an awesome and peaceful expression. When you looked into His eyes, you didn't see fear, alarm at all the attention. The people knew, He WAS the Messiah, long foretold.


People say, The Jesus of Today, is not realistic. He is just a person that someone wrote about; a Mythical figure; He didn't do all that was said in scripture, and we are brainwashed.  While He was a Carpenter's son, His earthly father, knew in His heart that He was sent here to fulfill prophecy. To Heal, Raise the Dead, to bring joy in the midst of pain and suffering, and to Save the Sinner.  His fame spread rapidly, and wherever He went, He was recognized by those who had been looking for Him, and recognized by those who wanted Him out of the way. His message angered people. It angers people today He set people at odds with one another. He does that today, but I can tell you of a certainty, He Is Real Today. He talks to me everyday, in many different ways.


Do You REALLY Know Him?  or is that why you are struggling within yourself. You just aren't sure what to think or believe.  He came that we might have LIFE, and that, More Abundantly.  Give Him honor.  Don't doubt for one minute who He is. He is the Christ, the SON of the LIVING GOD.  I am not sorry I Know Him.


God Bless You this Holy Christmas Season.  Give Him your Heart; He will give many gifts to you in return.


Love to all.

     Rev. Dave