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Love One Another

Rev DL Whittaker, Washington


Much can be said about the word love, and there wouldn't be enough room to voice all the things that I think about when I see this word. 


Love One Another: is a command from the Father that should be in our hearts and minds continually, and yet, how strange it is, that so many "Christians" lack in this area of their lives. Why? Because we lack the ability to not be judgmental of our fellow men, when someone ruffles our feathers, we get all huffy, and because we lack the ability to forgive, we carry a grudge. 


In many marriages, the word love is only an emotion for the moment, and when the moment has passed, we conveniently forget what the word love is.  I wonder sometimes, if people ever knew what the word love meant. To love means you are of one heart, one mind. Can communicate with one another until the problem is resolved.


In today’s world, everyone is going their own way. Kids, work, social gatherings, have taken such a strong hold in our lives, that we don't have time for one another and soon, we become total strangers in our own households. Shame on us. This was never intended to be.


Every relationship should be a unified relationship. You say that this cannot be, but I disagree. If we put our priorities in the right place, and quit living in the fast lane, we can turn the world upside down, put Jesus first, others second and ourselves last, things would be better all the way around.


Love like Jesus loved, and taught. Jesus held no grudge, He didn't become, or allow himself to be taken in by judgmentalism, He didn't play people for suckers, He lived by what he was taught, believed and preached.


Be loving. Be forgiving, for if that is impossible for you, then you can't be loved. If you can't forgive, you can't be forgiven and the un-forgiven cannot enter into heaven.


If we say we love Christ and don't live by His standards, we are living a double standard and that doesn't work with God. Come on Church. Get with the action. Let's show this sinful world what love is all about and get people on the right track.


God Bless You,
