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"SERMONS FROM THE HEART" - with Rev. David L Whittaker II Tim

The Charge!

 Rev. DL Whittaker, Washington



II Timothy Four 


I am writing from the amplified version; My favorite right now, next to King James.


Most people have the idea, mistaken idea, that the only ministers are those who stand in the pulpit. That being the case, leave all the calling to them, the praying to them, the witnessing to them, etc. If that be the case, then I ask you, "Why Are We Called? Why, if that be the case, do we even dare to call ourselves Christians? If we never feel that we have a part in ministry, then we are lazy, greedy people who just want a free ride.


II Timothy 4:1 - The Charge:


Who do you say the charge is for?  Someone just said, "Pastor of course."  No, friends, that is not the case at all. The pastor is there to oversee the church, with the help of the board. The pastor is there to preach and to teach, so as to prepare the church for its ministry. That ministry is there to encompass all of the above said statements, or categories.


Verse one begins with these words:  "I Charge you." Not someone around the corner, or someone behind you, or up in the balcony, but YOU.


He goes on to say: “I charge you to Herald, (sound forth), and preach the word.”  Jesus said: "if you go, I'll go with you. Preach my gospel and I'll preach with you.”


"Lord if I go, tell me what to say, the world won't believe in me." Those are words to an old song written and sung by Bud Chambers, musician from the south. Do you realize that in a sense, we are God's disciples?


The call, To Herald, is to get the attention of the people. It is often hard to get the attention of people. If you are alert, you will understand that statement.


The Marching Order:  Preach the word.  The Word wasn't meant to tickle the ears of the listener, or their fancy. This is what too many are doing, but rather to reach down to where the people live, their heart, to convict, or whatever the need may be. The un-adulterated, un-compromising Word of truth. Truth is what hurts. We need to be hurt more than ever before because the church, you and me, have become so lax.


I see the church heading in the wrong direction. When I say, "wake up!" I am not referring to the emotional highs that I see on television. That emotion is gone almost as quickly as it began, and is seldom experienced again until the church doors are entered.  Don't get me wrong, I like emotion as well as you do, but the emotional high doesn't carry the church or meet it's needs. People are saying, "we need this to keep the church alive." I say, no we don't! The same church program that was good for me, is good for anyone.  Pastor said to me the other day, “I see ten years down the road, that we will be lucky if we have a church to go to.”  I believe in the joyful noise to the Lord. It's commanded, but sometimes it only reaches our head, but never touches the heart. If we have no joy in our heart, we will never expect joy to enter another's heart. People watch us, and they say all to often, “If this is Christianity, I don't want it."  Sad words to hear.


2nd Part of the Charge: Keep your sense of urgency:


Folks, we are living in more perilous times than ever before, and until Jesus comes, I don't see it getting any better.  The church and our faith are constantly being placed on the chopping block. If you never had a real sense of urgency to get close to God, and to do His work, Get It Now.


Next He Says:  "Standby, be at hand and ready":


I take this to mean, BE ON WATCH! Ready to meet the need at hand. Most of us have been in church all of our lives, and shame on us, if we can't recognize a need right in our own back yard. Look at all the violence. People who are violent have needs; real need, and the psychologists and sociologist, with all their education, aren't going to solve the problem. Only Jesus has the answer. We are to help.


The Word says, "Thou are inexcusable, o man," so folks, we don't have a leg to stand on. Pastor can't do it alone, he needs us. We are the church too.


Finally:  Be Ready, whether your opportunity is favorable, or unfavorable. Convenient, or inconvenient, Welcome, or unwelcome. You, as the preacher/disciple, are to preach the Word, to show people in what way their lives are wrong, convincing them without wavering.


The call to arms is here, now. So let us March and win for Jesus.


V5:  As for you, be calm and cool, and steady. Accept and suffer, unflinchingly, every hardship. Do the work of an evangelist. Fully perform all the duties of your ministry.


God Bless You,
