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Is God In The Church Today?

Rev DL Whittaker, Washington


When I look around me, read the religious pages of the newspaper, and hear conversations, when no one knows I am listening, I have to begin to wonder.  How can the clergy get up in the pulpit and preach, and people in the congregation not even have a clue who Jesus is, or that He is even alive.


How can the church accept and ordain pastors who live contrary to what scripture says.  Lately, I am hearing that the church has to compromise its beliefs and teachings in order to reach the now generation. I say that is pure hogwashGod never taught that we should compromise anything to get people to come to Him.  There are very few churches today who believe enough in the blood of Jesus, to make it a part of their preaching regimen.  In fact, there are few bible schools today who believe in training potential missionaries and preachers to even believe in the blood. It isn't necessary.


Why do people go into the ministry?  I know some pastors in this area who went into the field because they thought it would be good money and they didn't have to work hard to get it.  They don't visit the sick, they don't serve communion, they don't sing hymns, they don't respect the church enough to dress right, and I could go on.  In our local paper, two different denominations are now ordaining Gay Pastors. We have to be in the now generation. That will draw people to the church, and what do they offer?  An "Anything Goes" gospel -  Mustn't step on any toes.  All are on a social climb to see who can get the biggest crowd.


Folks:  I know I am old fashioned, but I have to say that, I grew up in the old time gospel, which never had to be compromised to draw people.  People prayed, People loved, and they respected God for who He is, not what they wished Him to be.  What the Word taught, they believed. Now, He is a myth, a legend. And, we make our own way and rules as we go.  We don't hear preaching from the heart, it has to be written out and read word for word, often prepared by someone else, because the minister was too busy golfing and going out with the important class of people.


Is God In The Church Today?  I suppose it depends on what church you enter, but I have to say, that if Christ isn't in your heart, He can't be in the church, because, We Are The Church!


If you are teaching, or hearing the wrong thing, Get out of the church and go where you can worship in spirit and in truth.  Heaven is not attained through compromise and modern day theories.


THINK ABOUT IT, PRAY ABOUT IT, and, then, DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!  Then, God will be in the church where He wants to be, and the ministry will be as effective as it was in days of old.



God bless you,

Pastor Dave