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"SERMONS FROM THE HEART" - with Rev. David L Whittaker Thanksgiving time has come once again, perhaps way too fast for most of us



Thanksgiving time has come once again, perhaps way too fast for most of us.


I believe that all of us admit we are thankful, all year, but when it comes down to it, are we thankful with a Grateful Heart? Or are we thankful just because we have been taught that it is the polite thing to do, and it makes people happy.


As Christians, we are seeing thousands of people everywhere, who, because of misfortune, have nothing, seemingly to be thankful for. They have lost loved ones, their homes, their belongings, members of their families, etc.  While I know that many people around the world do not look on Thanksgiving time the way I do; still I realize that these are human beings, with human feelings and emotions, just like you and me.  Strange isn't it? That while on the outside, people appear to be different (their features, their heritage, their mannerisms, etc) yet, if you poke them with a pin, they will all bleed the same color blood as you and I.  Why shouldn't they react to loss, as you and I would, if the tables were turned?


We are Christian People, who must display the true meaning of thankfulness.  If we can't be thankful with our whole heart, then we have taken advantage of God, big time.  We could be in the same position of need, as many are, so let's be "Wholeheartedly Thankful" - and bless someone whom you don't even know. It never hurt anyone to make a Sacrifice for the Kingdom of God.


This year, make Thanksgiving and extra special one by sharing.  You won't live to regret it, and who knows what kind of blessing will come your way. Happy Thanksgiving and God Bless You All.


My heartfelt love,
