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"SERMONS FROM THE HEART" - with Rev. David L Whittaker














With Rev. David L. Whittaker, Washington








God's Idea Of A Husband


Husbands come in a wide variety of packages.  Packages always hold a bit of mystery in them.  First. The wrapping; we try to be good guessers when it comes to packages.  If the package is wrapped in plain old every day paper the most part), whether it has any bright ribbon or not. Men, after all, like to think of themselves as rough and tough.  None of that gushy stuff if you please.


If the package comes to you in a real plush and tasteful fashion,  then the imagination really kicks into high gear, and you really play the guessing game to the hilt, i e  the latest in technology,  new car, tickets for a cruise.


The guessing is endless.


Well, men,  husbands are a mysterious package in many ways, and how we portray our package to the women, is, well-------------------------??????


Me, I like packages to be bright colored and pretty.  That's what most women want to receive.  Bright, well blended in color, and wrapped so precisely, that the recipient just has to  oooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhh and ahhhhhhhhhhh, trying to guess who did the wrapping, etc.


When it comes to husbands.  Well,  I've seen some  "Husbands"  that really shouldn't have taken on that role.  (I've seen some wives that way also,) They had some very poor examples set before them, and the quality of the examples left a very damaging impression on them.  I have seen husbands who were slave drivers. Thinking that all the woman was for, was to bear their children, cook and clean.  I could go on and on in this topic, because I have seen and heard so much in my lifetime, not only from family, but in the church, etc.


I believe that God's idea for a good husband is, to be compassionate, understanding, and most of all,  HELPFUL..  If your mate is sick, be by her side.  Because she knows then that you care.  Shower her with love and encouragement, because you don't know the kind of trauma she may be going through.  No one likes going through stormy times, alone. Know that sometimes, it is best to keep still.  Sometimes we alienate ourselves, just by being what and who our nature tells us we should be.


Do you remember your vows?  Think often about them.  Once in a while, give her flowers, even if no special occasion.  Take her out to her favorite place for dinner. Not always your favorite place.  Don't be a total tv idiot.  She might like to watch something too, and if she watches your shows and sports with you,  you watch hers with her.    There are many things I could say about being a  "God's idea of a husband,"  But if you read the scripture, and not just skirt through it,  you''ll find that being a husband is not as hard as it seems.  Meeting your mate half way, is God's way.


Men, ask yourselves, "What would Jesus do?  I guarantee, it won't be long and you'll be the best husband, any woman would be proud to be with.


God Bless you fellas.


I Love You, 

Rev. Dave