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Rev. DL Whittaker, Washington


I have something on my heart that I need to speak about, because it is important to the growth and on going of the people.  It covers the area of trust and promise.


For a great long time the church has had a big problem in these areas, greatly because we have to wait for answers.  It hurts me a great deal when I hear a Christian say: "I guess God doesn't care about me, or, He would have answered my prayer."   Church, we all have needs, every day of our lives, that need to be prayed for, but when God doesn't answer when we want Him to, or the answer is not what we thought it should be, we immediately have our pity party, and say, "I guess God has wiped me off His list. I haven't given or done enough for Him to respond."


What a horrible thing for Christians to bemoan when God has done so much for us.


We have needs every day of our lives, but we need to have TRUST and, FAITH in God - and know that He knows better than we, what we need, and what needs to happen.


The PROMISE came through the Word, that if we "Trust in the Lord, with ALL thine heart, He will bring it to pass."  I knew someone who waited 20 years for her answer, but she got it.  If I walked up to you and said, "To the best of my ability, I am going to stay close to you, and see you through your trial," you might say, “I wonder if he is on the up and up."  but if I Promised to stay by your side and see you through your trial, then you would think totally different.


Friends of mine, Jesus specifically states in His Word that He will never leave you or forsake you.  Because we can't see Him, doesn't mean He isn't here.  Just because it is taking awhile to see the results of the Word, doesn't mean He isn't working.


We need to RUN to the Promise daily!  We need to TRUST in the promise with everything we have in us, and we need to CLAIM the promise, because, if we don't claim it, how on earth can we expect God to Honor the promise!?


Reevaluate your thinking, read the word.  Take it for what it says, and see if I am not right.


Thanks for letting me share what was on my heart.


I Love you all,

Rev. Dave