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"SERMONS FROM THE HEART" - with Rev. David L Whittaker PURPOSE



Rev DL Whittaker, Washington


The July-theme for our magazine is Ministry and Purpose; these articles can be combined to fit nicely for all Christians, especially those who think that they just exist, and are of no significant importance at all. 


Did you know, that there is no one who is not important to someone, especially to God. 


Did you ever stop to think that the minister of the church is not the only "Fish In The Sea”? You in your own right are a minister. When God called you to Himself, He made you one. You agreed to the deal when you gave your surrendered heart and life to Him. 


I don't believe for one moment that you surrendered on the condition He wouldn't use you or call you. If you put conditions on your surrender, you didn't surrender. What if God would have received you with a conditional love? He didn't however; He loved you with unconditional love. 


So how do I figure that you are a minister? Well, as you have matured (I like that word better than aged), you have developed certain talents and skills that no one else can match. Those skills combined with your knowledge and experience, have placed you in great position to teach those skills to others, to put those skills and that knowledge to work for the betterment of society, and there is no limit to what can be accomplished.  This my friend is ministry. Doesn't require four or eight years of education beyond high school, doesn't require a degree, just requires willingness to be used, an open mind and a willing heart. With these qualities, no one is better than you!  Your talents and abilities are gifts. Just like the gifts of the spirit, which are given unselfishly. 


The gifts and the callings are without repentance. The gifts and talents you have, when shared, show the character of Christ in you and people will respond overwhelmingly.


Come on folks. Some of you are sitting around with nothing to do. You are lonely, you feel worthless, and wish you were dead because each day comes and goes, and there you are wasting away when you could be sharing a few moments with someone.


The nursing home needs volunteers, the schools need volunteers, the legal system needs volunteers, and the church needs more willing workers. Shame on you if you say I don't have anything I can do or to offer!


God always has a plan for your life. Why not begin today and take the time to find out what it is. 


Instead of not getting along with your neighbor, encourage them and help them - you can't go wrong. Perhaps you can win them into the family of God.


Don't waste your life. I guarantee you won't regret a moment. I know, I experience it everyday of my life, in one-way or another.


Be blessed my dear friends.
