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Rev. DL Whittaker, Washington


Hello My Dear Family,


"Servant-hood": What an interesting subject, especially when so many around us resent the feeling of being titled, or treated as a Servant.


Do you know that being in Servant-hood, is one of the most fascinating and rewarding positions you can, or will ever be in.  What a privilege to know that while ministry, (Pastors or other,) has many aspects of positions, the most important is that of a servant.  I, while I am a minister, am proud to be classed amongst the Lowly Servants.


We are called to Serve:  This may not seem like much at the time, and we may feel that it is one of the least appreciated positions there is, yet, God never made an error, ever.  Do we really believe that spreading the word of God can only be done, or should only be done from the pulpit?  I that is where we are at, we had better re-evaluate our position and relationship with Christ.  Whether you wish to believe it or not, pastors, you are servants, Called, and Chosen, to be in position to help the people around you, No Matter Who, What, or Where they may be.  It may be giving assistant to a Missing person, and there are a whole host of things out there that we could speak about.  You who are in the congregation, are Servants, if you are calling yourself Christians, and No, it is not up to the pastor to do it all.  We pay him to teach us how to serve, how to meet challenges in life, etc. but when Christ said, "Go Ye Into ALL the World and preach the Gospel", He didn't speak to just the Pastor.


Did you know that some of the loneliest people in the church are the pastors?  Look around you, perhaps you know one; You could be in position to help him/her with some major problem. How often do you take some time to give of yourself to the pastor?  Do you have a good listening ear?  Put it to work.  All too often we have the local pastor and church for dinner, and I am not referring to Festive. You know what I am talking about. Pastor becomes Hash.


It is very dangerous to touch God's Anointed, so be careful. If you haven't walked a mile in his/her shoes, you don't understand.


Do you want a blessing?  Start by taking your neighbor's garbage out for them. Take them to the store. So what if it is out of your way, and you're inconvenienced a little. Folks, I know of which I am speaking.  Your deeds of kindness speak more of God's love than all the words a pastor could ever speak.  The blessings and the rewards are tremendous.


You can begin now, and by the time Jesus comes back to earth, you can have made a real impact on the lives of many, and you will have grown in leaps and bounds.


Servanthood: "In as much as you have done it unto the least of these, My Brethren, you have done it unto me."


God Bless your month.


I Love You.
