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"SERMONS FROM THE HEART" - with Rev. David L Whittaker





Rev. David Whittaker, Washington



They That Wait Upon The Lord, SHALL, renew their strength.  They shall run, and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.


The chorus ends with "Teach me Lord, teach me Lord…to wait".


We as humans don't like to wait.  Most will readily admit that we have no patience.  We want everything RIGHT NOW!  We learned that from our parents, our grandparents, and our friends.  We learn it from the movies, the news media; we learn it from the schools, so it's no wonder that we are full of impatience.


We Christians have, perhaps, more difficulty with impatience, and thus, we can't seem to grow spiritually.  Our faith waivers more, thus we have more trouble believing with our WHOLE heart that God will do ALL He promises He will do.


Did you ever stop to think that, if we had everything given to us the moment we asked, we would become so spoiled, that serving the Lord would absolutely be no fun at all. Think back to when you wanted something right now, you couldn't wait, and if you were told "NO,  Not Now,  how mad you got, and tempers you let loose, so that to avoid embarrassment, you were given in to.  I see this everyday in the supermarket.  


Do I have difficulty waiting?  Yes, sometimes, but I don't think I ever got angry because the answer didn't come right now.


Many times, when I've had to wait for an answer, the end result was better, than if I had gotten it the moment I asked. “If we ask in Jesus Name, that will He do  - but I also know, that if I ask selfishly, He probably won't do, or at least not so quickly.


We learn to be better individuals if we learn patience.  Patience is an art.  We cannot ask someone else to be patient, if we don't demonstrate patience in our own lives.


Let the Holy Spirit do His work in you, as He sees you are ready for Him to move. It is my belief, that we already have the answer when, or before we ask.  It is the evidence that we have to wait for.


Teach me Lord to wait.  We'll all be glad, when we discover how much we've grown in our walk with God, by learning such a simple lesson.  God Bless and Keep you, and grant you the desires of your heart.


I Love You.

Rev. Dave